
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cowboy Birthday Party

Here are the pictures of the Cowboy Birthday Party.   We had the delightful addition of a little "Cowpony" brought by our friend Donna.  Her name is Daisy.  She was the highlight.  All the little Cowboys got to ride her (with some assistance from Nathan and Benjamin). We had a fire in the  stove outside, hoping for a marshmellow roast, and bales of hay for seats, but alas it became far too windy to continue in that mode; the day started out fairly sunny, but turned very cold and windy, so our delightful outside decorations were abandoned for the inside ordinary; and cowboy hats were exchanged with Beanies but all in all we had a rootin tootin time, and I think Elon enjoyed being the head Ranch-hand for the day.  
Donna introduces Daisy to all.  Himilce and boys and Steve (with Marie and Ezra in background)
Elon wispers to Grandpa asking "is this is the horse that rolled over on you?"

All the little guys gather around to give Daisy some "lovin"

 From left to right... Donna, Zane, me, Asher, Elon (behind) Steve and in upper right hand corner, little Ezra.  Aren't Asher and Zane cute?

 Ezra and Mommy

 From left to right... Zane, Elon, Asher, Donna and of course Daisy.

 Elizabeth and Little Winston are watching.

 Donna teaches each little boy to brush and take care of Daisy.

 Winston is doing a good job... with a little help from Daddy.

 Elon looks quite relaxed as if he has been doing this for years.

 Asher is a little less at ease.

 Since Zane was raised with a  horse Great Dane, he is quite at home.

 Cute even when crying.

"Hey Daisy, thanks for the ride".

 Blowing out candles, and opening presents are always fun even for a tired bunch of cowboys.

Have a great week everyone


  1. Such lovely photos you have shared Pam - I am sure the cowboy party will be one of your treasured family memories for years to come.
    I have to organize something for my twins - they are 6 next month. I'm thinking about a butterfly party and maybe taking them to a local butterfly house which the others have all been to. They have the most amazing butterflies there that come and land on you.
    Will get back to blogging soon - too busy coordinating the Courageous screening for my church at a local movie theatre. Two weeks to go and I am so excited to see what God is going to do. It's actually a lot of fun being a movie promoter when you believe so much in its message 'Honor begins at home.' Will do a blog post about it soon too.

  2. Oh Pam, what wonderful photos. I think my favourite is of Grampa with the two wee grandsons 'speaking' to him. I love the 'feel' of all the photos.... the kids, the pony, the cowboy hats. I. Love. cowboy. hats. Did you know that?!!

  3. That looked like a lot of fun. Why is it that kids' birthday parties are always more fun than adults' :) And, the pony looks so sweet.
    Happy Birthday to Elon!

  4. So delightful to see these photos mom! Dad just told me that you posted and I hurried on over here :D What a wonderful party and pony! Thanks mom for throwing the biggest best party ever for Elon and the cousins :P Missing you so much.....

  5. Oh what delightful memories!! I had to show Jon and then show Zane this post and Zane kept on saying, " Zane's horse", as he pointed to Daisy. He remembers it all and misses it I think. I miss it already. Maybe each of the cousins should have a "cowboy" B-Day party given by you and dad. It was OH SO MUCH FUN!!!

    ~ Marie

  6. Oh my goodness...
    Where do I start???
    I don't think I could pick a favorite picture...
    Hmmmm, I will just say, this whole post is a testament to a loving, wonderful family. Love that Steve is front and center, (even in the wheel chair) that the grandsons are all gathered around him. Love that Grammy is responsible for making the day such a beautiful memory.
    I'm going to post again soon...i hope. ;-)
    Thank you for sharing such a special day!
    Love you!
