
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving

I have been praying this week that the Lord would help me make our Thanksgiving Holiday a special one.  I have found it a little harder to get my enthusiasm up this year.  Perhaps it is just because I am tired, and have had a hard time getting back into my strength.  On Monday, I went to a luncheon at my friend Ava's house, where we had a wonderful surprise party for our friend Roxy, whose birthday is this week. Without doubt Roxy was surprised and blessed, and I was blessed as well.  It was just the thing my heart needed to build some enthusiasm and delight for the week.  I think my tank was filled back up, and Ava's hospitality restored my own sense of hospitality.  After the party I went to Hobby Lobby and found a few Thanksgiving flowers and Decorative Pumpkins for 90% off  original prices(that's always fun) and have spent the last two days cleaning, polishing silver, setting the table and decorating.   We will have Luke, Eddie, Olga, our friends Roxy and Danny , and Steve's Mom with us this year. Russ won't be able to come home this year, so he will be missed.  Now all is ready except the Turkey and fixins.  I thought I would recap the joys of these last few weeks as my own little "Blogging Thanksgiving Celebration", and enter the gates of our precious Heavenly Father with Thanksgiving and praise for all the blessings in my life, and with gratitude that he has blessed our lives and our Country with such bounty and goodness.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
 Psalm 100:4

I am thankful for.........
pretty table decorations and...
 polished silverware

Roxy's Birthday 
Old friends (Me on left, then Missy, Amy, Roxy, Lynn, Kathy and Ava on right)

 Missy's wonderful spice cake

Ava's pretty table

My precious Grandson Zane

Little  Ezra 

Another precious grandson; driving Grandpa's Backhoe (with a little help from Mom and Dad)

Visiting "Focus on the Family"

With precious Grandsons and...

Old family friends,
(sorry its a blurry one Danielle) 

 Delightful,  golden, autumn days with adorable babies..

Beautiful daughters and daughter in laws,

 and sons and son's in laws
and little Elon
and little Asher and ponies and good friends

And  my gorgeous, man, doing well, recovering and healthy.... thank you Lord;
And for celebrating 32 years of marriage with him tomorrow.... it is definitely Thanksgiving.

My daughter Marie and her hubby Jon are celebrating their anniversary tomorrow also.
Happy Anniversary Steve and Jon and Marie!

Have a blessed Holiday Everyone!


  1. Awww Great photos!! have a blessed Thanksgiving and Happy Anniversary...We have a big dinner planned hopefully the protesting won't be to bad so everyone will be able to come. The locals have really ramped up the demonstrations yesterday we had a huge tire fire next to our compound normally it is on the other side of town. Kind of scary having so close to our home~Enjoy your holiday Glad your hubby is healing up as well ~xoxo Love Heather

  2. Happy, Happy thanksgiving Pam! May you have a most blessed time with your family around that beautifully set table! I'm a little envious - we don't get to celebrate a Thanksgiving holiday. Love your pumpkins and fall flowers in that first picture too!

  3. I love all your things to be thankful for! What an amazing list!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving together and happy anniversary for tomorrow ♥

  4. I know I already talked to you about this post, but I couldn't help commenting again! I just enjoyed all the pictures so much Mom! When I arrived again, I had Winston with me and I showed him the picture of his Grandpa and he scrunched his shoulders smiled and pointed excitedly at his Grandpa. Missing you all so much.......

  5. That picture of the grandkids, is magical! Love all of them, but that one stands out. Doing some much needed catching up tonight. Happy 32nd (belated)!!!
