
Friday, November 9, 2012

A Little Thanksgiving Celebration

While I was in Florida,  Jon (Marie's husband) suggested we celebrate an early Thanksgiving.  It was a wonderful idea, and so we did.  The girls and I wanted to try some dishes that were a little different than our normal Thanksgiving fare, but still hold to a type of meal that was Thanksgivingish.  So here are some of our pictures and some of our recipes.  At the bottom of this post, I have linked all of the recipes that we posted, with links to Marie and Elizabeth's blogs.  As we get ready for our official Thanksgiving holiday,  I hope you will all be blessed with a Thanksgiving that is more precious and special than previous years.  I hope that you will spend it with those whom you love whether family or friends or both, and I hope that you will feel the presence of our precious Lord in all that you do.  I sense more than ever before, we need to keep thankfulness in our hearts for the blessings that we have.  In "Him" we live and move and have our being; not in governments or kingdoms of this earth.
  I am so thankful to be a part of "His Kingdom".
Little Pies for Little Hands

Game Hens with Cranberry and Adobo Sauce
Little sticky fingers have been taste testing the pies before dinner

Green Beans and Cauliflower  Supreme

Waiting patiently for dinner.
Elizabeth, Winston, Benjamin and Ezra

Jon (There is only a little bit of Jon showing, sorry Jon), Zane, Marie and Ezra

The Highlight for me was seeing the little ones excited about their own special portion.

"This Pie was really belicious"

Look who came to dinner (Jack kept claiming my seat as I got up to take pictures).

Our Thanksgiving Menu

Sweet potatoes with  Feta Cheese
Sour Dough Bread
Pear and Cranberry Pies
Homemade Limeade

Click on recipe links or scroll down to previous post for the recipes.


  1. What a fun evening Mom! LOVE all your pictures and seeing the babies in their Sunday best makes me laugh. They are scrumptious!! The food is getting me hungry again. Jon really loved the Cornish hens with the Chipotle Sauce!! The Green Been Cauliflower was superb.

    Miss you and love you
    ~ Marie

  2. What a blessing! A perfect example that Thanksgiving can be any time. Your family is beautiful. Your visit looks like it was wonderful. It makes me smile!
    and thank for your kind comments..

  3. Oh Pam, it all looks so lovely. That meal idea looks like a keeper if you ask me. Now, where is the sweet potatoes and feta? That sounds really yummy. What fun to have Thanksgiving early. What a memory! I just love it!!
    Love Ya,

  4. Amy,
    Elizabeth made the sweet potato and feta recipe and it was delicious. She was going to post it, but her pictures got vaporized by accident, so I don't think she will post it, but I will link it if she ends up posting it after all.

  5. Dear Pam, I think it was a grand idea to have a thanksgiving meal with your sweet family. You made a wonderful memory. Everything looked so delicious and also elegant. I will miss you this Thanksgiving myself! :)
    Blessings, Roxy

  6. Mom I had been stalking your blog for days expecting to see this post and it wouldn't show up lol! I finally went to Roxy's blog and saw it on her sidebar and FINALLY it let me arrive! :) These posts were SOOOOO satisfactory to my homesick-mom-sick heart! Your pictures turned out gorgeous! And I love how you separated the recipes into their own post! So smart :) Miss you and love you so much! It was wonderful getting to celebrate like we did! A dream come true for me :)

  7. Gorgeous family and great dishes and pies.
