
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rainbow Morning

A couple of mornings ago, we woke up to this.  We don't very often see rainbows first thing in the morning.  It was beautiful.  God's promise of hope.
It was a full rainbow.

What a lovely start to a day. Later in the evening, we had a second "Little Thanksgiving" meal of the season, this time with Steve's Mom.  We won't be able to spend Thanksgiving together this year, because she will be in Arizona with one side of the family and we will be in Nevada with the other, so this will be our meal together. Steve's Mama can use your prayers.  She had a biopsy done on a tumor found in her tummy.  The test showed cancer.  Jesus is a healer. We are praying for His healing touch.  She is a special lady, and has remained so positive through it all.  

I made the Game Hens again... polishing my recipe, and giving Steve a chance to try them (He loves spicy food, so it was a must for his taste testing approval.... and yes, he highly approved).
 Now do you think that is a smile or a snarl on Eddie's face... I am taking a poll.

 This is Steve's sweet Mama. Her name is Jo.

The wood burning stove is in regular use now.  The evenings have gotten pretty chilly.   It makes such a cozy close to the day to have the fire crackling in the stove.  I took this photo without the flash; look how the twinkle lights over the mantle lit up like  fire.  I  believe the effect came from the camera shutter staying open longer without the flash. For some reason, it makes me think of God... it must be His glorious light I am thinking of.

Have a wonderful week and a wonderful Thanksgiving


  1. Pam,
    What a beautiful rainbow. That must have been a sign from God. Amazing beauty we all get to cherish! I have been lifting all of you up in prayer and a double portion for Mama Jo. She is such a gem and I know that God has her protected under his wing. And, I think Eddie was giving a snarled smile, does that count? Tell him smiles increase his daily life line! I hope you have a safe trip and a wonderful Thanksgiving! Sending hugs your way!

  2. Dear Pam, I am so in awe of your love and devotion to your family. And how you have been so good to your Mother-in-law. Yes, she is a special lady. We are praying for her and the whole situation.
    Eddie is in between (smarled)
    With all your wonderful Thanksgiving meals you have had already:) You have blessed so many so now. I give thanks for YOU!!
    Blessings, Roxy

  3. That rainbow is so lovely mom, and so wonderful. I am in awe of it. I can see that the Lord gave it to you and Dad especially. Just reminding you of His Love.
    I love the picture of Dad and Eddie. Yes Amy and Roxy have described Eddie's "Smarled" just beautifully.
    Grandma Jo is so lovely and I am lifting her up in my prayers everyday.

    That burning fire is glorious and romantic. It brings me right into your family room. All of your pictures have blessed me so much!!

    I love that you made your Thanksgiving hens again. I wish we could come over. What a delight that would be.

    I LOVE you so much and am missing your greatly. I
    ~ Marie

  4. Oops I ment to say "Awww"
    Love you

  5. I have finally had a moment to sit and leave you a comment. I enjoyed this post so much Mom. I know I enjoy every post of yours, but the pictures of Dad, Eddie and Grandma are so special. The pictures of the clouds spoke to me. So much love the Lord gave you and Dad with the rainbow. It blesses me so much! I can't wait to see your next post and am also hoping you post a little bit about Uncle Dave's wedding :)

    Love and miss you so much Mom....

  6. I'll keep Steve's mom in my prayers. I really love your woodstove. So cozy looking. WE would love to have one; just don't have the space for it!
