
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Painting and Decorating Glass Christmas Bulbs

This year for Thanksgiving, we are spending our Holiday with my family in Nevada.  My Mom, my brother Dave and two nieces live here.  We are having a combination Thanksgiving, family reunion and wedding celebration for my brother Dave, who is getting married this Saturday; which incidentally is Steve's and my anniversary as well (our 33rd); but not only that, it is my daughter Marie and her hubby Jon's anniversary.     I think if we keep adding these weddings up at  Thanksgiving time every year, me might have to do something really amazing to celebrate like  going  on a family anniversary cruise or something... that would be the way to celebrate don't you think?  I will post some pictures next week about all our "doings" this week.

I thought while I was full turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie, and tired from cooking,  I would take a breather and put my feet up, and browse the internet for some Christmas ideas...and since I am thinking of Christmas ideas, I think I will post some updated pictures of my Painted Glass Christmas Bulbs to spark some inspiration.  I have had fun making these and am thinking you might enjoy seeing them and perhaps making them.  I actually posted about them a couple of Christmases ago, but decided to update some pictures last week.  Click here for the little tutorial from a couple of years ago.
I thought this one worked well as a Shabby Chic Christmas Bulb.

You can use a variety of colors and trims.

 Don't you love all those colors?

Be sure to click on the link above and see how to make them.

Have a great Holiday Everyone.


  1. These are so pretty. We are having a family fun morning at church tomorrow morning and one of the crafts we have planned is decorating baubles. I doubt they will look quite as stylish as these though!

  2. Hellooo, I think your Christmas bulbs look like a work of art!
    Your new look on your blog is fabulous. Wish you could help me:)
    Miss you and look forward to a nice long chat.
    Blessings, Roxy

  3. Pam,
    Your new layout for your blog is amazing!! I love all the Christmas bulbs, so rich and elegant! You are so talented!
    Just love it!!!

  4. These are soooooo lovely Mom!!! And I have been meaning to tell you that your Etsy shop looks so pretty! You have been such a busy girl!!! Family, Thanksgiving, Weddings, more family, jewelery, traveling, blogging, more family!!! Whew!!! I can't wait to catch up soon! I love you!!!

  5. Mom I am so in love with your pictures. The colors are beautiful and your lighting is so lovely!

    I wish we could have gotten these made when you were out here. Maybe next year?

    I loved how we made ornaments for the christmas tree last year and I still have them. My favorites are the ones you made me that are the russian blue and grey. They are so cherished. Maybe you should put some of those on you etsy too!
    Oh and I love your etsy shop on your side bar! You are so amazing!!!

    ~ Marie

  6. I do love the colors, they are so pretty!!! Good project, thanks for sharing! & Happy 33rd! Congrats to the two of you!

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