
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Family Celebrations

I got back home last night from Nevada.   We sure have had a busy month with all of us going here and there and back  again.   I had a restful, quiet  day today, which felt very  nice and I  am enjoying sitting here catching up on a little blogging.  I thought I would post  some pictures from our trip.  As I mentioned in the previous post, we celebrated Thanksgiving, and then went to my brother Dave's wedding.  Steve and I also celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary.

This is my brother Dave and his fiancé Elvia on Thanksgiving.

This is my brother Dave and his bride Elvia two days later.  Aren't they sweet?

It was a very precious wedding ceremony at the church, and a lovely reception afterwards.

These little treats were  too pretty to pass up a picture.  As you can see, yellow was the theme color.  I felt a longing to start painting in yellow after I took these pictures...  my fingers are itching.

These are my nieces Rachel and Jessica; and aren't they beautiful?

 Luke with his cousins,

 ...and his grandfather (my Dad).

Jessica, Anthony and Rachel 

 My gorgeous hubby of 33 years  and Eddie

 Mom and I

 Steve and I celebrating 33 years.

 Dad and Kathy (I love Dad's smile... he's so cute).

There are those yummy cookies again 

Steve and Dad (they are starting to look just a tiny bit tired by this time, don't you think?).

 Luke with his Grandma

 The food was wonderful

A new family.  Congratulations you guys.

Jessica and Luke and a friend went hiking up the mountain to catch up with the moon.

They had some fun capturing it.

Jessica said "we took the moon.... but we put it back".  She said "it tastes like the middle of an Oreo Cookie...really"  She makes me laugh.  Thanks for letting me snag your pictures Jessica.

Here are a few pictures at my Mom's house;  I wanted to show you a little bit of her pretty home.
Mom was blessed a couple of years ago with an opportunity to buy a new (at least new to her) home.
She has had fun decorating it.

 She always has pretty flowers in her house.... and I think I have inherited the love of flowers and pretty things from her.
The wall behind this Buffet Table is awaiting a painting that I have started, but haven't finished.  It is a huge canvas of tulips.

This one came out a little blurry, but I liked her lovely fireplace.

Mom got most of her furniture at a used furniture store.  She has found some amazing pieces and lamps and accessories at very low prices.  This couch was a one of a kind that she found there... and not only does it look beautiful, but is so comfortable... and made a great bed for Eddie.

Thanks for enjoying with us.  Have a great week everyone.


  1. Beautiful wedding, and beautiful family members! Love all your pics, yes that yellow does entice the artist, time to paint something!

  2. Mom these pictures were the delight of my day!!!!! You and Dad are the dearest faces on the earth. Thank you for posting them!!! Everyone looks so good. Grandma Ginny looks so pretty! And I loved seeing all the pretty touches she has added to her house. Thanks for your sweet prayers today. So very thankful for you and dad. Talk to you soon I hope! :)

    P.S. I am really loving the color scheme changes with your blog. The grey and white I think is perfect! Mmmmmmwaaa!

  3. Woops that is my above. I clicked the finish button before I finished filling out my information hehehe

  4. Dear Pammy, The pictures really were such a delight. Wedding photos just speak love. Your parents look great. So glad you got to see everyone. Your a treasure!

    Blessings, Roxy

  5. Pam, what lovely glimpses into your life. And YOU are beautiful!! Congratulations on 33 years!

  6. I love seeing everyone mom! You got so many great pictures. I am so glad you had your camera with you! I am so bad about having my camera with me at formal events.
    You and dad look great! And I think everyone in the pictures do too! Grandma Ginny looks exactly as I remember her! And Grandpa looks so hansom!

    I loved seeing Grandma's house. Its so beautiful! I think I am the only grandkid that hasn't seen it yet! I love her couch!

    LOVE you and thanks for this wonderful post!!

    ~ Marei

  7. Oh my goodness, how silly of me!!

    I forgot to add how BEAUTIFUL Elvia is and her hansom husband Davy Lu!! And those girls are getting more and more beautiful every day, if thats possible!

    Loved all their food and the arrangements! So beautiful!

    I got so excited to tell you how I loved the pictures but when I scrolled up I remembered why I was commenting in the first place!

  8. These are such beautiful photos! And yum yum, that food looks delish. I LOVE those goofy moon photos!

  9. What beautiful treasures you have to cherish for a lifetime. So glad you were able to go to the wedding, it's looks like it was elegant and fun! Everyone looks so wonderful. I loved being able to take a glance.... Your mom's home is very beautiful, loved the colors!
    Love you Pammy!
