
Friday, December 14, 2012

A Cozy Christmas Week

Its been a busy week, but pleasantly so.  We got our tree up and decorated on Sunday afternoon which made for a nice cozy afternoon and evening.  I love it once the tree is up and the decorations are out and the twinkle lights are twinkling; then Christmas feels magical. The picture above is Shorty in the middle of the Christmas ornaments... never a dull moment with her.

On Wednesdays I have a painting class.  We are a group of ladies who paint together, with a teacher who has taught us all.  I have been painting with these ladies for about 7 or 8 years, I think.  Our teacher Bettie, is a treasure.  She is a very talented and successful artist who has been painting for many years, and not only do I love the privilege of learning from her, but I love her as if she were family to me.

Every year at Christmas our painting group likes to do something special.  Some years we do a lunch at someone's house where we all bring something, and some years we go somewhere fun.  This year we went to lunch at a cute little restaurant called "The Hen House", and guess what they specialize in there?  Yes, you guessed it.. chicken; it tasted great and we had a great time.

 Here are my friends:

Our teacher Bettie on the right, and my other good friend who happens to be Bettie's daughter Sherrie is on the left.  Bettie's Daughters have inherited her creative talents.

Here we all are at Bettie's house Wednesday after class. Kitty on top left, Mary top right, Geri middle, Bettie bottom left, Sherrie right and myself behind Sherrie.

You can see one of Bettie's paintings in the background behind Mary's head,
and this is one of hers below.  She did this one for Rotary club.  It is beautiful.  

 Sherrie and her sister  T, who  is a successful artist as well.

Sweet friends, sweet smiles.

Geri and Kitty are a crack up by the way... always keeping me laughing and they also inspire me very much.

Here we are at he Hen House Restaurant having a great time.

Thursday was another fun day.  Steve and I went to our friends Roxy and Danny's house for a wonderful Christmas get together.  These are the kind of friends that help you move, or go pick up your kids at the airport when you can't do it, or  help clean your house when your back is acting up in horrible way and a graduation party is arriving the next day; always there when you need them.  We have known each other for a lot of years.  They know all of our joys and all of our sorrows; Roxy and I are prayer partners, as well, and I am very thankful for them.  

I made a Cherry Cheese Coffee Cake Ring... it is an easy yummy recipe... I think I will post it in a day or two.

Mr. and Mrs. Claus.... always making me laugh... I have to bring my Asthma spray when ever I am with them.
Cozy and lovely.

Roxy made a wonderful dinner: Ham, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Muffins... Mmmm it was so good.

This was a gift to us from Roxy's precious daughter in law,  Amy (who seems just as if she were my own precious daughter in law). I am so happy to have something yummy to give Russell when he arrives home from California tonight.  I haven't done very much Holiday baking yet, but now we have this wonderful goodie tray... thanks Amy it was amazing. Can you please post some of these recipes? The cracker-toffee was so, so good oh my word!).

Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. Oh Ms. Pammy you are too much! Thank you for such the nice compliment. I think of you as family too. I'm soooo blessed to be apart of your life and all of your families! You just make everything look so delightful. That was a great picture of Roxy and Danny. You are quite the artist indeed! See you next week!
    Love you so much

  2. Dear Pammy, Your post made me cry, what sweet and kind words you spoke about us.
    We love you all very much. Your an amazing artist and friend. I am forever grateful for you.
    Your family has prospered from a Godly foundation, and may your fruit be much!
    Merry Christmas and Blessings, Roxy

  3. Mom your blog was the first page I uploaded now that we have internet again (yay!) Oh my mom, your pictures are so pretty and delightful! Roxy looks GORGEOUS! I loved the one with her and Danny too. I am glad that you posted all the pictures of art class! It is so nice to see everybody! Your Cherry Cheese cake looks like it came right out of a magazine!!! I could go on and on, I guess I just better get you on the phone ;)

    I LOVE YOU!!!

  4. The whole day looks wonderful!!!
    I love your pics, they are warm somehow. (Must be your touch)
    That tray of goodies looks wonderful! I'm going to go find a recipe for this cracker toffees...
    Love you!

  5. Beautiful friends, beautiful art, and beautiful food! What wonderful fellowship it looks like you've been experiencing!

  6. What a truly treasured group. God is so good to knit our hearts together with others that become so dear to us.

