
Monday, December 17, 2012

Angel Lanterns

 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  Luke 2:10, 11

 This year I came up with  these little lanterns, as gifts for friends.  They are an easy project, made with canning jars, lace remnants and odds and ends of old and broken or outdated jewelry.

My Hubby was the hero of the hour.... he made the handles to the lanterns for me.
Being the Cowboy that he is, he used electric fence wire.   Any heavy duty wire will do; check "Lowes", or Farm and Ranch Supply or any hardware store.  He cut 42 inches in length for each lantern.

He wrapped it around the glass twice.

Which was not necessarily an easy job... these babies are the key.  

Twist tight enough to be sure  the jar will not slip out... but not too tight, you don't want to break the jar.
Steve suggested wearing eye safety goggles, just incase...

Cut  16 x 16  block of  lace or tulle and approximately 3 feet of lace ribbon.

Place Jar in middle of lace block.

Gather lace around jar.

Secure temporarily with a rubber band.

Tie ribbon around lace, and remove rubber band.  pull lace tightly up and to the will look like angle wings.  embellish with scraps and odds and ends of jewelry or trinkets of any type.

Fill 1/4 of the way with salt, add a tea light candle and light.


  1. A friend gave me a Mason jar lantern for Christmas one year. I love your embellishments! She's coming over for afternoon tea tomorrow so have an excuse to use the china! Apparently, my new neighbour is called Pam. I have yet to meet her. I thought of you when my daughter mentioned her name.
    I'll take this opportunity to wish you and Steve a very blessed Christmas. It's been wonderful keeping in touch and getting to know each other via our blogs and we do tend to repin a lot of each others pins on pinterest don't we? Let's pray we get to meet up one day and we'll take tea together!

  2. Oh Pam, these are just gorgeous! And, they look fairly easy to do. You come up with some crafty ideas. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see you on Thursday. It's gonna be so fun!
    Love ya,

  3. They are so pretty!!!
    What a great home-made gift!
    Love you!

  4. Pam, What a lovely name for this craft. An Angel lantern!
    It always inspires me to try to make some myself maybe next year :)
    Very frigid out today...
    Maybe we will have a white Christmas!
    I just want to blog and be cozy :)
    Merry Christmas
    Blessings, Roxy

  5. Oh mom my heart did a jump when I saw these lanterns. So, so clever!

    The boys still can't get enough of Grandpa's hands in these pictures. Every time I am on your blog they ask to see Grandpa's hands!

    ~ Marie

  6. Charming, beautiful!!! Very lovely!

  7. Oh I haven't been here in a while and now I'm coming and seeing all these lovely ideas. Sooo pretty! They are good year round right? :-)

