
Sunday, January 6, 2013

15 "Feel Better" Home Remedies that Work in our Family

I decided this was a good time of year to share some of the things we do at our house to help us to get better whenever we are sick, or feel as if we are on the verge of getting sick, or ailing in any way physically.  We very rarely go to the doctor around here... only for emergencies, such as horse accidents and broken bones and the like... and we try to limit those things, if you know what I mean,  hehehe.  Here is a list of what we have used to feel better and get better through the average sickness or health issue.  These are not listed in any priority order... it all depends on what the problem is.  I have linked almost all of them in some way, so that you can do a little more research on them if you are interested.  This is simply a list of what we do ... its not meant to be a perscription for anyone, but perhaps what works for us may work for you.  I know a lot of you may already use many of these remedies... so I would love to hear how you might implement them.  Leave me a comment and let me know.  For this post I wanted to list them, and in the coming weeks I  will feature one of them and talk a little more about them and how our family implements each one.  Save up your tips and thoughts and be sure to pop back in and add your comments as I go.

1.     Homemade Chicken Soup  Recipe Here

2.     Lemon   Remedy Here

3.     Honey  Remedy Here

4.     Ginger Remedy Here

5.     Coconut Oil

6.     Peppermint oil

7.     Oregano

8.     Salt Water Gargle

9.     Garlic  Remedy Here

10.     Apple Cider Vinegar

11.    Vitamins D and C

12.    Homeopathics

13.     Cayenne Pepper

14.     Hot Tea Remedy here

15.     Prayer       


  1. Thanks for sharing I will have to bookmark these ~Love Heather

  2. I swear by garlic. I don't often eat it raw, but I eat it roasted every single night, whether I want it or not. And trust me after years of doing this, I don't always want it. My parents eat it too, and knock on wood, it really helps keep us healthy. A great list, especially for this time of year when it seems everyone is sick. I have to admit, I'm kind of freaking out, but hopefully all of these remedies will keep us healthy.

  3. Home remedies have proven to be the best for us! We do many of these, thanks for sharing others that I've not heard of yet. :D

  4. Oh we use many of these. And yes please feel free to link to me anytime :-)

    Let's see how do we use these remedies?

    Well you know we use Garlic for GOOT.

    We use Ginger grated up in a bath to draw out the illness. Plus a hot cup of ginger/cinnamon (stick) tea make you feel so much better.

    We mix a teeny tiny bit of GOOT and LOTS of honey on a spoon a swallow it down when someone is getting sick.

    Vit D is good for lack of sunshine ;-) And Vit C we love because apparently we are terribly deficient in that area.

    In all of this, as good as these rememdies are, prayer seems to seal it all up as we offer our bodies to GOD, who ultimately heals us 100%.

    So good to stop and visit for a bit.


  5. Thanks Heather, I hope you will leave me a comment on some of your home remedies. Laura, I think its great that you eat roasted garlic every night... do you cook it with dinner or in a little garlic roaster? I love roasted garlic with olive oil and french bread, and in that capacity I think I would never get tired of it. I use it in a variety of ways also. Mrs. C, I would love to hear some of the things you use, and how you use them. Cinnamon, I am really excited to try your remedies... they look wonderful, I like the ginger in the bath... Great idea. I will link you then, when it is appropriate.

  6. This is a great resource, Pam. I actually pinned the apple cider vinegar link. I have some, and just the other day I remembered how good it was supposed to be for you. Now I know how to use it! We have the confirmed flu here so this list was perfect timing!
