
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Animal Crackers and Cocoa to Drink


Animal Crackers
by Christopher Morley

Animal Crackers and Cocoa to drink

That is the finest of suppers, I think,

When I am grown up and can have what I please, 

I think I will  always insist upon these.

What do you do when you're offered a treat?

When Mother says, "what would you like best to eat?"

Is it waffles and syrup, or cinnamon toast?

It's cocoa and animals I love the most!

The kitchen's the coziest place that I know:

The kettle is singing, the stove is aglow,

And there in the twilight, how jolly to see

The cocoa and animals waiting for me.

click here for the yummy animal cracker recipe


  1. This post puts a smile on my face. :) I am very familiar with that poem, but I did NOT know the last 4 lines! Now I like it even more. :)

    I've never made animal crackers, but maybe I will someday... :)

  2. Dear Pam, very precious and sweet!
    The photos brought a smile to my face! These truly are treasures my friend... The poem brings a happy vision of a comfy home filled with love!
    Blessings, Roxy

  3. What a sweet and precious post Pam!
    I just love seeing pictures of your grand boys. They are just so sweet. I loved the poem.
    Yes, a reminder of love and family!

  4. These pictures are just adorable MOM!!! I just scroll over and over to soak them all in. The boys are so cute sitting at the table together! And animal crackers have me all inspired to make again!!! I am so glad you posted the poem as well!!! Such happy delightful and tasty memories!!! I love you!
