
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Being Real

Some people may find it difficult to train their mind to think on lovely things.  Seeing, hearing and speaking all of the difficult, dark, terrible, ugly and even impossible things is what we are prone to do, as this is the nature of our flesh; especially in a day when those things seem to dominate everything.  Drama, darkness, fear, doom and gloom are the stars of the day.  But this is what God's Word tells us to do:

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippeans 4:8

It is important to train our mind to think and our lips to speak according to this verse, and though not always an easy thing to do, in doing it, we are the victors of the dark and difficult days.    We do not need to succumb to a dark prognosis, instead we need to trust our Father and the promises of His word.  We are to be  known as "Believers", not "Unbelievers"  Our answer is in Him, and he gives us permission and even an admonition to think on those things… the positive things, the beautiful things, the hopeful things, the best things.  Miracles happen as a result of our belief; our faith and our trust in Him.  We shouldn't be advertisers for the enemies plans; we should be a light that shines in the darkness; and stand strong in our Savior in all circumstances.

I felt a strong desire to write this today.  I began by posting some of the lovely moments of February that I have had.  But this scripture has  been on my mind the last few days, and I have felt compelled to write about it.  Do you ever feel as if you are bombarded with negative reports, negative discussions, negative news, negative expectations by those around you?  It can have an effect on your own outlook.  I sometimes even feel as if others are annoyed with my insistence on seeing things in a positive light, and that I should learn to be "real; as if believing and trusting in the goodness of God isn't real.  There is a subtle message in our day, and I often hear it in media and in social media, that "if people  express negative, hopeless, faithless,  rude, gossipy, or even angry feelings, they are somehow noble; because they are being real".  I'm sure you've heard this statement before "let me just be real"… it usually prefaces a negative statement, a negative thought.

I long to refresh you today; I want to encourage and remind you to think about what it is lovely. Remember all of the Lord's promises in your life and hold onto them; they are real.  He is real.  His Word is real.  Believe in His promises, and think about what is good, express your faith and "be real" in Him.

I'll catch up with you again soon, with some of my "lovely" moments in February.  I would love to hear from you and what is lovely in your life.


  1. What lovely thoughts! Thank you. That verse in Philippians is one of my favorites, so expansive in its recognition of the divine in many different facets of life.

    Your note brought to mind another blog post I read recently, which highlights how Real Life is all about making choices -- including the choice to be happy. I hope you recognize in it something both positive and real:

  2. What an encouraging word for me Mom! I am sitting in bed feeling much better, but boy did I need to read this post :) I am so glad you wrote it.... You are so right! I love you! I hope you got my email :)

    Talk to you soon!

  3. Good Morning,
    I did a bit of time to comment on this topic! Firstly, what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears our from the worlds perspective! Not really true or accurate. So, My comment is this whose report will we believe? The word tells us that everything will pass away, but the Word of God!
    And if He said to think on whatsoever is lovely we had better train ourselves to do so...
    Blessings, Roxy

  4. Miss Pam,
    This was a timely word well spoken!
    I think it should also be applied to our children! We have done very difficult circumstances in our home right now, but focusing on the things that are working, the process being made is so important!!!
    Thank you for the sweet reminder.
    So much love to you and your family!!!

  5. Such an encouraging post! I've been feeling the negativity surrounding me lately and being drawn into it. A good time of Bible study with wise women this morning and your post now have been very timely for me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
