
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Lovely Moments

A visit with a Daughter and a Grandson; Talking into the "wee hours" of the night; A Valentines Party with precious friends and delightful boys; A brunch with Grandma Jo; A four generational picture; A night to catch up with old friends; A day to catch up with old friends; Hunting for rocks with Winston; Shopping at the thrift store with Elizabeth; Painting with Winston; Playing with the dogs; Building train tracks;  Listening to a little boy play the piano; Marveling at the music inside of him; Prayer time with Elizabeth; Drinking perpetual cups of tea; Making chocolates and cupcakes and favorite meals; Blogging together; Strategizing new business ideas; Lingering breakfasts; Steve's biscuits, sausage and eggs; Roses from Steve; Cards exchanged with loved ones; Celebrating birthdays; laughing at little boys at play; rejoicing at the goodness of God; A heart full of joyful memories.

At play in the snow.

A Valentines lunch.

Missy's homemade marshmellows.

Amy's chocolate, toffee scones and homemade butter.

Pigs in a blanket for the boys.

Little Noah enjoying some Valentine's Day sunshine.
Steve and the boys and "Big Red" 

Boys like trucks.

Four generations.

Grandma Jo, Winston, Steve and Elizabeth

Winston warms our hearts.

Grandpa helps Winston and I hunt for rocks.

Winston loves his bells.

Brunch at Grandma Jo's is always so lovely.

Breakfast Casserole, fruit,

and muffins.

Joy and laughter with friend Holly.

Paintbrushes in the light.

"Oh boy, Grammy, let's paint".

"Painting rocks is fun Grammy"

"Can we paint one of them into a bell?"

I miss you Elizabeth and Winston.

Thank you for sharing my  "lovely moments" in February.
Love and Blessings to you all.


  1. Hi Pam, I enjoyed your post today so much! The pictures were wonderful and I almost felt like I was right there. What a delightful party and what a lovely home and family you have.

    Your little grandson is so adorable. He must be an absolute delight. Unfortunately, we never had children, but I have several "adopted" nieces and nephews and visiting with them brings me such happiness. One of the things we like to do is have Lego parties.

    My husband has a "massive" collection that he has saved (and added to) since childhood, so we all have a great time. :)

    I am having a quiet saturday, just enjoying being home and resting up a bit. Later I am going to try and make a new pasta sauce I saw on the Rachel Ray show. I hope you have a lovely afternoon ahead! Delisa :)

  2. What a swest post!!!
    All the pics and special moments!
    What fun!!
    Love you all!!

  3. Such lovely moments! What sweet times you all had. The cupcakes look so pretty as does everything else. What fun to spend time with your little grandson and daughter. Once again a great post. Family is such a blessing.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I love your lovely moments Pam!
    Thank you for sharing beautiful pictures of your dear ones.
    Painting rocks...

    Sweet, edifying, "real" moments to dwell on~

    Lovely indeed.

  5. Dear Pam, Very precious!! Everyone looks so happy! I miss them all also! Thank God their hearts are HOME!
    Blessings, Roxy

  6. I am just discovered you posted Mom! Every picture brought back all the delights and fun! I haven't even touched my camera yet! Every picture looks so pretty! Well, I would suggest you switching out a few of the ones with me in them! My hair didn't do so well in Colorado! You are so precious and BOY do we miss you too!! Winston still hasn't stopped saying "I want to go back to Colorado"! ;) We both do!!! I love you!

  7. What wonderful pictures and memories too! It was such a delight to get to spend as much time with you all this go round. I miss them too!

    Feel free to come back soon!

    I hope you have a wonderful week and enjoy this warm weather!


  8. A very special week, filled with wonderful moments and memories, and beautiful photographs too!

  9. Love your photos. They really capture the fun you all had.
