Monday, August 31, 2009


The dictionary defines treasure as wealth, rich materials or valuable things; anything or person greatly valued or highly prized. The Bible has many references to the word "treasure", and refers to it as silver, gold, spices, fine oil, armor, holy vessels, wisdom, knowledge and the Holy Spirit. It speaks of ill-gotten treasure, treasure on earth and treasure in heaven, treasure in our hearts, treasure in the ground, hidden treasure and found treasure. Throughout the Old Testament, God refers to His people as His treasure or His treasured possession. I love to think of God treasuring us. In the New Testament, God gave us His most precious treasure, His Son Jesus so we could become a part of His eternal treasure chest. Then He placed the light of the Knowledge of God in us, which he describes as "Treasure in earthen vessels." 2 Corinthians 4:6,7


  1. So exciting to read this mom! I loved every bit of it!

  2. I am so happy your a blogger now mom!
    I love your post on Treasure! I know you have a lot of treasure stored up to share for all of us and I am so excited!
    I also love the feel of your blog, your music is so beautiful, Elizabeth and I both listen to it throughout the day.
